

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and text

Do you remember when I talked about my story that I wrote in September?  That’s okay if you don’t remember it was a long time ago.  However, it was selected for publication which happened this past Saturday.  I just wanted to brag a little.

The Dissertation is one of my babies that has finally flown the nest and found a great home in UnCommon Minds by Fighting Monkey Press.  I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.  The editors are amazing women who made the process so easy.

I’m not great with asking for you to buy things because I hate sales pitches but I’m asking this time.  I have been reading the other stories in this book and I am so impressed.  Please pick up a copy here:


You may have noticed that you can also purchase a copy through the side bar widget.  That way you can always find the link.

While we are on the subject of my writing, I’m thinking about getting back into sharing my finished works.  I’ve shared here in the past but the wordpress format makes finding all the parts to a story difficult so I’d like to ask you to join me on a story sharing platform.  I’m currently on two but I don’t know if I will keep both accounts so please let me know which one works best for you.  Over the next week or so, I’ll be adding more stories.

I am on Wattpad and WriteOn.  The more people reading on those sites, the more I will share.